To Cure Autism

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Autism is characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, which cause serious disability of those affected. With its etiology still largely unclear, and its patho-physiology poorly understood, autism currently has no universally accepted therapy. Autism is regarded as century myth affecting more and more families that urgently needs to be addressed. Researchers, clinicians, healthcare providers, social works and government need to work together as a solid team to find a cure to autism. ITCA brings expert physicians neuroscientists, neuroimaging specialists, psychologist, therapists, social workers, and Autism parents as a solid team, aiming at using the most advanced, evidence based research findings and newest technology, and integrated eastern/western approach to understand and cure Autism. ITCA use its expert team to thoroughly evaluate autism patient and give individualized treatment plan to eliminate reversible etiologic factors, promote internal healing and regulation and maximize therapeutic outcome, also offer high quality service to identify and nourish gifted capability, dig out their intellectual potential, help them to maximize their education, build up matched career/job and marriage and productive life, benefit our society.

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